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tv   Fox Report Saturday  FOX News  December 9, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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region wildfires out west. the governor visit is the area. good evening everyone i am julie banderas. winner brown taking a tour inventory account with the largest wildfires is currently in southern california. it is now being blamed for the death of a 70-year-old woman. she died in a car accident while trying to evacuate. devastating wildfires bring hundreds of homes to the ground killing dozens of horses and firing tens of thousands of acres of land. firefighters meantime finally starting to get a handle on these massive fire. most of them racing across the region. but strong santa ana winds, as
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always, is in more complications. we offer more evacuation orders are lifted. allowing people to return home and in some cases, governor brown there is nothing left. affects some houses are burned next-door is not. so it is the wind, the vegetation of the construction. all of the combined to make fires dumping people even though we are learning more about what can you say? you lose your house and belongings, people lose animals. it is a horror. to listen people of saint get the alerts on your cell phone ready to go. >> and springer is joining me from california with an update. >> been a pretty good day. if there is wind died down today. this has been one of the things where the wind is moving
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everything. but it is not or by any stretch of imagination. the and is expected to pick up at the tomorrow morning when the best thing to 60 miles now. we have new numbers out in the are staggering. the six finest one of the 75,000 acres have burned. that amounts to 270 square miles. just over 1000 structures have been stored. 25,000 been threatened. there is, national guard, millet the fact. that the he thanked everyone. >> the need to invest. our firefighting capacity.
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we need to invest in the infrastructure. and unfortunately politics is so divided we have a lot of other things we are thinking about. >> interestingly he did not save thing phones have to be strict. he did acknowledge it would be more expensive for people building homes. >> i guess people are finally getting back into their homes. right? evacuations were left blank areas. this one in bedford is one of those. you can see there people coming home to know all.and then it is that there are still intact. and what the short around them. that was the the reason his assets to standing is because he stayed this with a hose. >> i kept thinking that i am too old to start over this is my house. we look for this for 30 years
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ocean views, all down the coast of california. this was my health i have been here 15 years i spent i am back. i'm in vietnam and was in the navy and learned a lot about firefighting. >> he acknowledges what he is probably kind of stupid and interest but his house has survived and the red flag warning data effect until about 8 o'clock tomorrow night. >> thank you so much. our thoughts are for the five friends and allies on the line to save so many people. now as we enter the final phase of alabama special election, the latest pleasures democrat doug jones and republican roy moore neck and neck which is typically a red state for the gop. that all changed with several women stepped forward as an roy moore sexual misconduct. when it 14 sending the former judge fiercely denying this
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debate has gone on in and endorsing roy moore. we are now learning that the president has recorded a robo call for the campaign. here he is last met in pensacola. arguing that doug jones would be too much liability in the senate. >> we cannot afford to have a liberal democrat who is completely controlled by nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. we can do it. can it not. he is their bit. he will never ever vote for us. aggressive team coverage for this tonight. peter is the son john's campaign. begin with and who is covering the roy moore camp montgomery jonathan, when did this robo
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fall out for. >> i believe presidents robo call is a post about the davis they listen to the confirm that he recorded default in the day. no one was there in person with the president. he did not attend. spoke about the importance of maintaining the guilty slim majority and even ridiculed some of the accusers. listen. >> was a little mistake made. she started writing things the yearbook. gloria allred, tony see her you know something has gone wrong. >> the president is talking about gloria allred that is beverly nelson she claims that she was insulted when she was 16. they say she added handwritten notes message that mark had
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allegedly written in her school yearbook. she remember the time and place that he signed the airport. but the campaign has been into a as evidence discrediting her testimony. >> that was not a good move. what is roy moore is a strategy at this point? >> is really trying to rally his getting into the. he is talking about social issues and his latest ads have been focusing on issues like abortion and guns. take a look. >> will stand for the unborn. they carried to perfect my family. he will protect our amendments. roy moore, the right choice. >> a political action committee called stand public running anti-more shame on ad in the birmingham market to people in
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office best buy cannot vote for roy moore. excess republicans in question had more is discrediting these say that there is a work of a pro hillary clinton for perfect. >> all right, within. doug john's campaign going into overdrive this week and frank pump up the democratic base while winning over some moderate republicans. >> this campaign has the wind at his back because we are a people to promote trust estate. thousands of volunteers, people working today in the cold. they were yesterday and the snow is humbling. and we have issues in common, not issues dividing us and beside distracted divided more than bringing people together
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for chris peter is in alabama with this side of the campaign. who is doug jones trying to appeal to us today? vacation jacobs african-american brothers seen as critical to his chances flipping the senate seat that jeff sessions held. just they brought in bill 2020 contenders. former massachusetts governor and new jersey senator cory booker. so get that he believes that a different tone than the ones that roy moore has relied on. the people that will be coming here to take have issues that we have income the people of alabama. i think you can about some of the people that are coming in from the other side. >> president insists that if doug jones wins he will be a
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puppet. but the approach is completely opposite to the one that roy moore is taking. i heard a radio ad today where doug jones saying that if he wins, he will work with the other republican senator from this state. richard shelby. which is 180 degrees different from what you think. with that he wants to be a republican but not even like the republican leadership. especially mitch mcconnell. >> lessees have been the drag on doug jones in the campaign? >> is pro-choice stance on abortion in the state which is by. conservatives have been on him ever since. he posted in the post and today he has this video the social media account trying to counter a believes in this information. the approach attacks are not
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true. it is not support late-term objections and never has. as a democrat winning a stately lesson in alabama would be really rare but a storm. and guess what? they got a lot of snow so doug jones says that if they can this. >> more fallout in the mid east following the president is controversial decisions made jerusalem the capital of israel. now the palestinian president is announcing plans to snub vice president defense. what is that all about? i will tell you. end of working in a winter wonderland. and we will have the full forecast coming up as people in the southern states getting hit by the same system are being questioned on the road. >> not used to driving on ice. i don't think anyone can do it
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its side in san francisco. nearly 30 people injured. four of them seriously. fire crews in the back of the bus open helping passengers to say. questioning done all but one of the lanes of a very busy freeway. they say it is amazing the bus that hit other vehicles. >> bus traveling south on 101 and someone in the far left, for some reason is intentional. to the left, struck came back across. ended up tipping over on the side. we cannot believe nor does anyone have become for to say it was a second vehicle in. >> the cause of the crash remains under investigation. >> the weather has arrived in a
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big potential conflict snow this season rolling through for the same system blinking seven states before heading north from the upper midwest to the northeast. winter weather advisories, winter storm warnings all bringing effect from parts of south carolina the weight of maine. our meteorologist is in the weather since i am celebrating this weather. i do not know if everyone agrees with me but nonetheless, a pleasant support this morning. >> everything the southeast is what you're looking at the area that behind it, done a little bit all of the snow melted now the birth order. the phrase will happen overnight and big talk about black ice. i do need weather app eight marcus all the way up the coast as assistant continues to move where continuing to track that and there will still be snow throughout the rest of the saturday eventually going into the overnight hours.
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this is the past 24 hours. fairly heavy snow from the carolinas stretching of the main benefit is usually told you taper off to the overnight hours. this is the future radar. discussing light snow falling from d.c. up towards new york. anti-most of the players out and some precipitation (called on the backside of the system the majority of moving often fairly once this point we looking at anywhere from two through six inches of precipitation so part of snow on the ground. maybe another inch or two inches should be death of philadelphia and new york and boston. where you are assisting some of this heavy snow falling in the next hours, that will be in portland maine in the north is a system slowly tracks that direction. that is it for the snow system. of course we're still paying attention to the west coast. clearly a year, generally, the high fire danger is elevated
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risk. that will last all the way through sunday. very low humidity and also talking about strong wind 50 miles an hour. >> thank you adam. the president thing the cold shoulder from a legendary figure after chubb to mississippi to celebrate the opening of a civil rights museum which congressional leaders opt out of the vent due to the presidents participation? because this -- violent clashes continued in the middle east with the israeli military striking back for groups. tension becomes heightened after the presidents announcement on jerusalem. we'll have more on that. the first us diplomat and six class called business is done as a possible part about this is recognizing reality. what is not recognizing reality is that you have the ministration is also seeing if they can promote peace. hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer.
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ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. >> israeli airstrikes killing two members of benefits a rocket attack blamed on the group. there protesters clashing attentions up in the middle east after the president declared jerusalem israel's capital. denny and officials now even confirming the president will not meet with vice president mike pence the region later this month david miller is in jerusalem with date. what is happening on the streets and are the protests continuing. creighton, we are convincing
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more demonstrations throughout the west bank be in bethlehem, and other cities across the west bank, palestinians threw stones while israeli forces responded with rubber coated bullets and tear gas could also clashes along the border. they say they're trying to exercise restraint. a sportsman responded by saying it is for a present has been lit. overall however, it does appear that the class is today for less intense and we saw earlier in the week. nevertheless, as you just mentioned, palestinians were killed and extract and in addition to that some working as violence continues. frank is happening on the diplomatic front? an emergency meeting taking place today and bro, the arab
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league testing at least jerusalem is the capital also attending the meeting is the palestinian foreign minister and he is saying that the us and no longer be a impartial mediator and the peace process? call darth finley was trying to restart the process is that they will be looking at theme there's an international community for a new mediator. meanwhile, a single palestinian official is accusing the united states a collision with israel. mandates slump as an -- >> meanwhile, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is
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not about critics. he says is a double standard whether quick to conclude the event recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel. yet they remained silent when it comes to the rocket attacks being launched. >> thank you. he has invested to the un, nikki haley sitting down for an exclusive interview with chris wallace tomorrow in the oncoming violence in the middle east. will be up for discussion you can catch that interview in its entirety on "fox news sunday". check your local listings for times. great congressmen get up there sees this allegations of inappropriate behavior. we will take what the investigations and whether they be catalysts for change create plus the president looking to help roy moore alabama despite many gop lawmakers giving the
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former judge that he is politically radioactive.>> it is for republicans for a lot of them in washington are really watching this, cringing the whole time. they do not a democrat win they do not want roy moore. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen.
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so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. who knew asphalt could help save the environment? depend real fit briefs feature breathable, cotton-like fabric. in situations like this, there's no time for distractions. it's not enough to think i'm ready. i need to know i'm ready. no matter what lies ahead. get a free sample at >> i am julie banderas.
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this is the "fox report". it is time for the top of that is for the president is doctor
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mar-a-lago every day of world would travel across the southwest. he rallied supporters in pensacola florida and then went to jackson, mississippi where he spoke at the opening of a civil rights museum. >> this is an incredible tribute, not only to the state of mississippi. a state that i love. they state that i had great success. this is a tribute to the nation. at the highest level. this is a great thing you have done. >> a powerful speech in mississippi. phil is in west palm beach. is this president and for the night? >> he is and he is still tweeting. not only bashing the washington post but congratulation the army, air force one landing in west palm beach this afternoon for mississippi. getting the president to the winter white house for the opening kickoff of today's army-navy classic. the final score by the way was army 14 and maybe 13. aboard air force one he told
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them he would be rooting for both teams give very politically correct for the man that hates political correctness. in jackson mississippi had toward the brand-new $100 million civil rights museum. a spotlight everything as intended. protesters there because donald trump is there. and several civil rights activists boycotted this and the presidents speech piercing his only made race relations worse. in a 10 minute dedication speech, the president praised the new museum and the people featured in it. >> the civil rights museum records the oppression, cruelty and injustice inflicted for the african-american community. the fight to end slavery, to break down jim crow, to end segregation, to gain the right to vote. and to achieve the sacred
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birthright of equality. >> on the flight back aboard air force one, the president tweeted that it was an honor for him to be there for the civil rights museum opening day. having been invited by the mississippi governor. >> the president really wrapping up his endorsement of candidate, roy moore this weekend. tell us about that. >> not only in his talk and the tweets but noticeably in the city just a short 20 miles from the alabama state line and within the media market. the pensacola rally front and it was a packed house. officially to make america great again. but again, many that were in the crowd to vote for roy moore over the democrat doug jones. they were very enthusiastic roy
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moore fans for the same cannot doug jones an important alabama senate seat. use your vote to make alabama great again. doug jones will go against what we must do for our country. officially, roy moore, no public events scheduled or expected from the winter white house on palm beach tonight. we did not know you have any plans tomorrow. but if the president does do what he did during the thanksgiving break, he will visit one of his trump golf courses to play around. he will just heavily as you see julie, it is cold. it will be 50s and 60s. which is really called for south florida! >> what is the temperature here? anyone know? it is not 60, i will tell you that! it is freezing! 32, you enjoy your leather jacket! thank you! for more in all of this, let's bring in andrew, reported for the weekly standard.
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andrew, thank you for talking to us. the president has gone back and forth on this whole roy moore scandal. but the bottom line is that when it comes to his support of roy moore, is it pure politics or is there more to it? >> is interesting to see that for roy moore up was other candidate is a donald trump is campaign for in the past, he is sort of holding him a little bit at arms length. obviously campaigning in florida, he is avoiding alabama specifically and i think part of the reason is the same reason why a lot of times that we see in the press briefings or what have you and whenever the press secretary sarah sanders says we did this is troubling and we think people should take it seriously. ultimately we are leaving the decision up to the people of alabama because obviously that last thing the white house wants to do is say they should
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run with the headline something like donald trump, even if roy moore were a pedophile we would want him in the senate. clearly that is not what they're trying to say. but at the same time when you have donald trump on twitter or out of these rallies or what have you, he is much less measured in his support, he says we have an agenda that we are trying to pass. obviously think the agenda is good for america. we think a lot of people in alabama support him. but we would rather have him than a liberal democrat that will oppose the agenda every step of the way. he is very clear in that. >> among all of the politicians accused of sexual misconduct with al franken being the latest to step down, they have apologized. partially admitted some guilt piercing that some of the story is not fully accurate. roy moore has gone quite the opposite. he is not only denied this but actually attacked his accusers. even threatened to sue them for defamation. it takes a much stronger stance
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and so for his supporters, they can't seem to see why they shouldn't support him. i mean there's a picture of al franken flipping a woman. there was a yearbook that he allegedly signed and then the yearbook holder has been proven to be a fraud in that jesse wrote notes in the yearbook of that did a huge disservice to the rest of the women. that accused roy moore. >> at the this only gives both roy moore and donald trump more space to operate in the area. we see this in pensacola last night and whenever donald trump talks about roy moore. that if he does not first on of the allegations against income he first starts off by talking about the agenda. talking about last night we saw that he spent a half-hour to about the make america great again agenda. bringing back jobs, the economy, illegal immigration, built in the military. he says of course we want someone in office that will support all of these things. and only then after he has mentioned all of these things that all of these conservatives
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in alabama want to see happen. only then does he start to talk about these things that you just mentioned. isn't it interesting that one of these occasions have changed her story over the past few weeks? is an interesting that allegations were in the washington post which a lot of people see as -- it has an liberal slant. is it interesting that gloria allred is involved. largely, it gives these people who want to be able to support a conservative candidate, to support some conservative causes, gives them the reassurance that they need to feel confident going out for roy moore.the president support has really helped him. >> the woman says when she was 14 years old and older man, roy moore approached her. and initiated a sexual encounter with her. this is not to discredit all of the women that have come forward. you have brought down celebrities. they brought them politicians. and there is credibility to all of those stories. let's not let that yearbook
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story dissolve all of these other women's credibility. it is not fair. but there is a different story here. and i'm not sure what it is but all these other politicians have paid with their careers. roy moore seems to be on that hasn't. as the president backing of him partially why it seems that he will not go down with the others? >> up in the presence backing him has been enormous. i think it goes to show to a large degree to which donald trump has taken the reins of the republican party and astonishingly short amount of time. a few weeks ago when allegations were first starting to come out against roy moore, republicans were running for the hills. the senate essentially every republican washington at least fled. they couldn't disavow him faster. david conservatives who often times would, who went to clement anderson prior to this,
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or distancing themselves very quickly.the president was in asia at this time. he said that the white house had a little bit of time to develop a response. and when he came home and the press secretary, sarah sanders gave her first briefing after that trip, they sort of put the brakes on all of that a little. they said now of course is allegations are troubling but at the same time roy moore denies them. ever since then they have been strengthening the story. and this past week the president finally met with a full endorsement. since then we have seen a lot of those same republicans that fled when is allegations first appeared and come right back. like the rnc yank all of the funding for roy moore initially and then put it right back in. just a full 180 cannot because of new facts but because they know who call the shots in the republican party or not. >> elections tuesday is a tight rate.generally this would be hands down easy race for republicans being in alabama so
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should be interesting. certainly it is not an easy one creative side. andrew, thank you very much. >> thank you. three lawmakers resigning from congress this week amid sexual harassment claims and allegations of inappropriate behaviors. one of the lawmakers leaving office, -- they say they plan to open investigation after two female staffers said that he asked them to be a surrogate for he and his wife. we have more from washington. >> sexual harassment standard sports congressman john conyers and franks plus senator al franken to quit this repair the pressure had been building for weeks. but franks was a surprise to most of washington. he reportedly offered a female stepper $5 million if she would conceive a child with him as he and his wife were struggling with infertility. the congressman denies intimidating when trying to
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have sex with anyone in the office but effective essay he quit after his wife was hospitalized. there is a he said quote - in the midst of this current cultural and media climate and deeply convinced i will be unable to complete a investigation. the house ethics committee reported that he stepped up the investigation of congressman blake -- that retaliated after step after she complained. he denies allegations but still settled the case for $84,000 of secret slush fund. last night congressman hastings said he knew nothing about a $220,000 payment to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit against him. they broke the story saying a federal employee accused him of making sexual advances and threatening her job. reaction to all of these cases
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will has been swift. >> there is no place for sexual harassment in our society. especially in congress. >> this is the lasting effect this is not about politics. this is about america. and without our is also bipartisan. the kids come from both sides of the aisle. >> thank you. the bitcoins bandwagon is rolling out of the station. why some analysts say investors better hold on tight. >> was interesting about bitcoins specifically since it has gone so much in value is cash is not really like that. if you put $100 in the bank have $100. if you put $100 into bitcoins it might be $300 tomorrow it might be $50 the day after. and after work. he does it all with dr. scholl's. only dr. scholl's has massaging gel insoles that provide all-day comfort. to keep him feeling more energized.
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a wild ride on wall street. values of a digital currency recently soaring 40 percent in 40 hours before falling back down and building back up again. all of this as their future preparation is mainstreamed on sunday. will it ultimately replace the almighty dollar? deidre bolton has more. >> bitcoin launch in 2009 after the global credit crisis when many people lost faith in government and the financial system. for a practical standpoint, bitcoin is a digital currency. there is no government guaranteeing it, no central bank and it is a peer to peer software system that mimics what cash does in the physical world. every bitcoin bought and sold as recorded in an open ledger. constantly updated across every participated computer program
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in a public spreadsheet maintained by the users that is called the block chain. as for bitcoin safety, whether or not you should buy it, most experts say not without a strong -- >> it is as safe as you can make it. there are elements of it that make it extremely safe and extremely transparent. but there are also issues about it because there is a lot more for the user choose accused the bitcoin then say if you went to the bank and you have your dollars. the bank is responsible for all of your money. you are responsible for your bitcoin. so there are elements that make this more secure that there is also a lot more responsibility put on the user to ensure that. >> there are a few vendors that accept bitcoin in exchange for a physical good such as a bowl of french onion soup. was selected as as you coaching is a detent bitcoin and they will say what is bitcoin? a lot of people still have not heard about this yet. but as long as you can find someone else that is willing to accept bitcoin in exchange for payment, then you can use it to
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exchange it for real goods. less even bitcoin experts say they are not sure that they will ever ensure that america's ways bitcoin is that of dollars. it is too early to tell. the people jumping on the bandwagon or investors. the reason? the value is soaring. on thursday, the value of a bitcoin was 40 percent and 40 hours. the year-to-date gain is now 1500 percent. the investment community, bitcoin is becoming mainstream. starting on sunday the chicago board of exchange will begin offering trade in bitcoin pages. in exchange offer the same later this month. the nasdaq in the first half of 2018. as for wall street, there is a mixed reaction. morgan stanley will wait and see. goldman sachs says that it will trade bitcoin futures on a case-by-case basis. but j.p. morgan chase ceo says it is a fraud and he will fire anyone who trades it. >> thank you.
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new york city receiving some wintry weather this weekend. there is no sign of it but what we did see is a lot of foot traffic in bryant park. before you give this to me brian, report on the weather
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because it was not deterring shoppers, apparently. [laughter] >> good evening, it was not. we had three through five inches of snow falling. it is still falling but it is a beautiful day. 6 million tourists visit new york city between thanksgiving and new year's. this holiday season shopping will be the biggest in recent memory. $690 billion will be spent by shoppers this year. really, the weather has not kept anyone appeared tourists come here and want to enjoy the city. that is exactly what they are doing. we saw snow in central park and snow expected in boston. now the new england area after the snowstorm went to the mid-atlantic and northeast. it hit the south first, very abnormal! seven inches of snow in atlanta georgia. 10 inches of snow in georgia itself. some 10 inches of snow in parts of alabama. even in louisiana and some snow in houston texas. dealing with extreme weather but besides that people are still coming out.
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we are expecting some $967 each shopper this holiday season. it is also up from last year. some 15 days of shopping left before christmas. the first snow is not giving anyone from going out in new york city. there are hundreds of thousands of people without power in north carolina georgia, louisiana and in the south. they're not used to that icy and snowy weather. there are some 29,000 people in north carolina that also lost power because of the weather. stay safe out there. >> you have maybe a little more dangerous than icy roads, people dressed alike. >> everyone always runs away from drunk santas. hundreds of people dress up as santa claus. in they run around from one pub to another. these guys might kiss you, hug you or scream at you. it is worse in the snow.
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so not a lot of arrests, lots of elves and rangers as well. it's a good time. >> sounds like a blast! i love the snow, as you know and i love to see you standing in it. how many years ago was it that you did that beautiful demonstration for us in central park? because you are such an angel. i had you make a snow angel. we have video. do you want to roll that? >> oh no! it was obviously the highlight of my career. >> this is the highlight of my life. january of this year actually. that is when that area. >> january 2016! it was the biggest snowfall in new york city history. 27.5 inches. you made me do a snow angel on national tv. >> it is on youtube and i watch it over and over! it has thousands of years or is it just my? anyway, i love it!
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too bad there is not enough snow to do that. get back to shopping. brian, thank you! nothing like christmas time in new york city. it is all about ice-skating, window displays and of course one of my personal favorites, the rockettes. . we will state how much my little ones enjoy this spectacular. hi. i'm the one clocking in when you're clocking out. sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. i can even help with a silent night. does your bed do that? i don't actually talk but i can tell you how you slept. i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store.
4:57 pm
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4:59 pm
julie: got to share with you one of the most of spectacular christmas experiences, the radio city rockettes. they have gone high-tech. it's such an amazing experience. i go every year.
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i go every year. this year i went with my sister and my children. santa was there so we got him, too. jesse: welcome to what the *. i'm jesse watters. friday president trump took his make america great again on the road and he spoke to a crowd in pensacola, florida. president trump: we are going to speak the plain truth, the truth you want to hear, they don't want to hear. did you see all the corrections the media has been making? they never apologize. maybe that comes with being the president, i don't know. they


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